I always like to receive criticism to keep evolving in my way of creating things, and this screenpack I want everyone to like, because I always dreamed of doing a Mugen based on that theme, and thanks to my friend OldGamer this became possible. PS: I will make the modifications inside the screenpack, and also put a folder called "extra" with all the material of the first version of the screenpack, in case who wants to change according to your taste. Stage - 'CVS Stage of Capcom' by Jesuszillasound - ADX0300Specification (specyfikacja):animated - yeshigh jump support - nohi-res - noDownload:4shared - htt. This part will not change, I think it's good this way. And on each side of the select screen already has a sign with the name of the two companies, each represented by a color, blue and red. I added the text completely in green, because the screenpack itself already has many colors, so much as the colors in the text had a goal, I believe that the whole screenpack already made it clear that the title "Capcom vs SNK - Mugen "make an obvious reference to both Capcom and SNK. But I already know what to do, I'll change that. After all, this is where this project is being. So it did not get too repetitive, I tried to create something different, so that's when I came up with the idea of putting the name "Mugen". Stage - 'CVS Construction' by Rubensound - NarutoOst-26.keisei-gyakutenSpecification (specyfikacja):animated - yeshigh jump support - nohi-res - noDownload:4.

SNK" in various places of the screenpack, over and over again. I wanted something more "clean", and I had already put the name "Capcom vs. Bison Mega Man Mike Haggar Morrigan Aensland Mr. Albert Wesker Alex Arthur Charlie Chun-Li Fiona Belli Guy Jedah Dohma Jill Valentine Jin Saotome Ken Masters Leo M.
In fact, I was wondering what to do on this loading screen. The World is a M.U.G.E.N full game being developed by SeanAltly, featuring characters from the Capcom vs. You're right about that, I did not like the result either.